I am so excited to share with you a project I have been working on for the past year+. As many of you know, I lost my wife Kathy 5 years ago to cancer. Since that time, there is a lot that came into perspective for me. A lot about the amazing blessing it was to share a personal and work life with Kathy, as well as a lot that has contributed to my own growth.

I spent much of the pandemic year reflecting and writing about this, and it has actually turned into a book that will be released on October 12! The book is titled “The Lifetimes of a Journey: My Amazing Journey of Coming Alive and the Power of Unconditional Self-Love,” and it looks at my own journey through loss and what has happened as I have emerged with new clarity and focus for my own life.
I have written about and taken one of my favorite Kathy-quotes to heart, which is “when you change the way you see yourself, you can change anything.” This book has a lot of meaning for me especially around the changes I made leading to a new sense of love and acceptance of myself, and I am excited to share it with you! I am hoping it too can give you clarity and comfort in your own journey to discovering unconditional self-love.